Dr.Hj. Marissa Haque Ikang Fawzi, SH, MHum, MBA, MH
Ledakan Penduduk dan Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (dlm Dr.Hj. Marissa Haque Fawzi, SH, MHum, MBA, MH)
Lagu "Hanya Satu Kamu": oleh Ikang Fawzi
Janji Setia & Cinta Ikang Fawzi untuk Marissa Haque Kekasihnya, 1985
Senin, 01 Maret 2010
Procedural Fairness dalam Berlingkunganhidupku di Indonesia: Marissa Haque (1)
Sumber: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (dalam Gene C. Colman Research Center di Canada, 2009)
Procedural Fairness
Family courts must dispense justice in an even handed manner without discrimination. It is deceptively easy for lawyers and judges to simply rely upon myths and stereotypes when coming to recommendations or decisions. It is just as offensive to ride roughshod over the procedural rights of litigants in order to reach the result that 'conventional' wisdom (at least in the eyes of the decision maker) might, at first glance, dictate.
Thankfully, there are judges who write decisions that decry the tendency to deny procedural rights to litigants. Part of my role is to bring those decisions to the forefront both in my academic writing and in my legal submissions to courts. Adhering to basic concepts of procedural fairness helps to ensure that those experiencing 'court' come away from the process with at least some degree of respect for our judicial system.
But more importantly, preserving procedural rights ensures that each side has the opportunity to fully and fairly place his/her case before the court.
The view of the reasearch is an essential element of Canadian democracy and the rights that are enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Therefore, conducting legal proceedings such as case conferences, motions and trials in a procedurally fair and open manner should be an essential element of every judge's daily work.An important part of the practice at the Gene C. Colman Family Law Centre is to hold colleagues and judges to procedurally fair practices.
Procedural Fairness
Family courts must dispense justice in an even handed manner without discrimination. It is deceptively easy for lawyers and judges to simply rely upon myths and stereotypes when coming to recommendations or decisions. It is just as offensive to ride roughshod over the procedural rights of litigants in order to reach the result that 'conventional' wisdom (at least in the eyes of the decision maker) might, at first glance, dictate.
Thankfully, there are judges who write decisions that decry the tendency to deny procedural rights to litigants. Part of my role is to bring those decisions to the forefront both in my academic writing and in my legal submissions to courts. Adhering to basic concepts of procedural fairness helps to ensure that those experiencing 'court' come away from the process with at least some degree of respect for our judicial system.
But more importantly, preserving procedural rights ensures that each side has the opportunity to fully and fairly place his/her case before the court.
The view of the reasearch is an essential element of Canadian democracy and the rights that are enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Therefore, conducting legal proceedings such as case conferences, motions and trials in a procedurally fair and open manner should be an essential element of every judge's daily work.An important part of the practice at the Gene C. Colman Family Law Centre is to hold colleagues and judges to procedurally fair practices.
marissa haque,
sustainable development